The Day It Feels Like They’re Listening Again

This Is Just A Normal Phase Of Development

There was a time when everything felt like it was coming together—cues were sharp, recall was solid, and your dog seemed eager to learn.

And then, almost overnight, they stopped listening.

Suddenly, “sit” takes three tries, recall feels optional, and leash walking turns into a tug-of-war. It’s like all the training vanished.

You wonder if something went wrong—if you missed a step or if this is just who they are now.

But then you remember.

They’re not being difficult. They’re growing.

Adolescence isn’t rebellion—it’s distraction, excitement, and a brain that’s changing faster than they can keep up with. They haven’t forgotten the training. It’s just buried under everything else pulling at their attention.

And every once in a while, you see glimpses of the dog you know. A quick check-in during a walk, a perfect sit when you least expect it—small moments that remind you they’re still in there.

Those moments matter.

Adolescence doesn’t erase what you’ve built. It tests it. And every time you reinforce the little things—the random sits, the moments of calm—you’re strengthening the connection that carries you both through.

So you stay patient. You meet them where they are, not where you think they should be.

Because this phase doesn’t last forever.

And one day, you’ll look at them and realize—the dog you’ve been working toward was there all along.